Monday, October 20, 2008

New Plug-Ins October, 2008

Cool Music Plug-Ins: October 2008

UVI Workstation (Free)

Talk about getting a lot for FREE. UVI have released the UVI Workstation which could easily become your next sample playback "go too" plug-in. It supports all formats, has a very nice interface, Imports REX, Apple Loops, AIFF, WAV and more, has smart synchronization so all your loops are sync'd to your host, built in effects and even a built in convoluation reverb! All for free...

UVI SoundSource Home

This is worth checking out for the capabilities of the plug-in alone, that is for sure.

Audio Damage Automaton ($49.00/US)

I really dig the Audio Damage plug-ins. While being a newer company, they are bringing out tools that are not simply duplicates of plug-ins you have seen before. They are new and help create sounds and effects that were not possible until this was introduced. It's basically a step sequencer that you can program when a certain effect will happen and the effects are very cool (Stutter, Ring Modulator, Bit Crusher and an effect they call Replicate). It's easier if you just watch the 2 videos they created - the 2nd one is the better of the 2 videos if you're short on time.

Automaton Product Page

QuickQuak Effects

The totally cool interface to Crowd Chamber

It's almost impossible to single out a "must have" effect from the guys at QuickQuak. They are all unique and totally interesting in RealKuhl ways. Quick descriptions:

Fusion Field - a very unique sounding, very nice reverb.

Crowd Chamber - Coolest effect I've seen in a while !! Can duplicate up to 2,000,000 voices of whatever you feed thru it with separate stereo positioning and more. Totally amazing for sound design.

Pitchwheel - Real-Time Pitch Changing plug-in

Glass Viper - Weird name for a cool and very unique sounding synthesizer - very in your face.

RaySpace - a reverb and space designer. You HAVE to hear some of the rooms that are included. You can make your own or even walk around in the "room" by moving where you are in the room.

The prices are very reasonable and there is also a bundle for all plug-ins at once.

QuickQuak Home Page


In the future, I plan to include video with these mini reviews so you can hear what I'm talking about instead of just reading...... I'm still working on the Plug-in Guru website. It's taking longer than expected but that was to be expected !!

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